2025: Your Place in Space
- Training Videos
- Poster
- Bookmark: front side, back side
- April 2025 star map for North Carolina skies
- Tips for hosting a successful skywatching event, with suggested "Your Place in Space" sky tour
- Web Resources
- Your Place in the Universe, written and illustrated by Jason Chin
- Solar System Walk: facilitator guide, interpretive cards, plane ticket on Proxima Centauri Airlines, Make Your Own Solar System Walk handouts
- Pocket Solar System (from NISE Network): files in English and Spanish and training videos here
- Telescopes as Time Machines (adapted from NASA's Night Sky Network): facilitator guide, Passport Through Time handout
- Our Place in the Galaxy (adapted from NASA's Night Sky Network): facilitator guide, images of our solar system with and without quarter superimposed, Milky Way Galaxy illustration, Webb's First Deep Field image, CD label with quarter-North America galaxy model
- A Universe of Galaxies (adapted from NASA's Night Sky Network): facilitator guide; CD labels for Milky Way Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy, M81, M66, Quasar 3C 273, Webb's First Deep Field
2024: Sun & Moon
- Training Videos
- Poster
- Bookmark: front side, back side
- Early April 2024 star map for North Carolina skies
- Web Resources
- Sun! One in a Billion, written by Stacy McAnulty and illustrated by Stevie Lewis
- UV Bead Bracelet: facilitator guide, participant instruction sheet
- Solar Eclipse Art: facilitator guide, participant instruction sheet
- My Moon Poem: facilitator guide, participant instruction sheet, poem worksheets
- Yardstick Eclipse (from Astronomical Society of the Pacific): facilitator guide, training video
- Big Sun, Small Moon (from NISE Network): files in English and Spanish and training videos here)
- Solar Eclipse (from NISE Network): files in English and Spanish and training videos here)
2023: Celebrating the Night Sky
- Training videos
- Poster
- Bookmark: front side, back side
- April 2023 star map for North Carolina skies
- Web Resources
- Tips for Hosting a Successful Skywatching Session, with "Discover the Night" sky tour
- The Stars Just Up the Street, written by Sue Soltis and illustrated by Christine Davenier
- Activity: Good Light, Good Night: activity instructions, city mat image
- Activity: Make a Star Wheel: activity instructions, sky map, outer sleeve
- Activity: Draw a Star Picture
- Activity: Pipe Cleaner Constellations
- Activity: Constellation Drawings (supplement for Draw a Star Picture and for Pipe Cleaner Constellations): 4 drawings per sheet, 2 drawings per sheet
- Activity: Light pollution tactile book
2022: Understanding the Universe
Science and engineering related to the James Webb Space Telescope
- Poster
- Bookmark
- April 2022 star map for North Carolina skies
- Web(b) Resources
- The Big Bang Book, written by Asa Stahl and illustrated by Carly Allen-Fletcher
- Tips for Hosting a Successful Skywatching Session, with "The sky is a time machine" sky tour
- Birthday Star: activity instructions, birthday star list, birthday star certificate
- Life Cycle of a Massive Star: activity instructions, JWST bookmark side 1, JWST bookmark side 2, star life cycle handout
- Pack a Space Telescope (from NISE Network): activity guide, facilitator guide, "A Foldable Telescope" info sheet, "A Golden Mirror" info sheet, "Different Designs" info sheet, mirror, solar shield (additional files, including Spanish versions here)
- Pinwheel Galaxy: activity instructions, template
- Stomp Rocket: activity instructions for facilitator, illustrated instruction sheet for participants
2021: Moon and Mars
- Poster
- April 2021 star map for North Carolina skies
- Web Resources
- Skywatcher's Guide to the Moon
- Moon Observation Journal
- Oreo Moon Phases
- Make a Cardboard Rover
- Make a Paper Mars Helicopter: activity instructions, template
- Storybook: A la luna y mas alla: cuentos latinoamericanos sobre el cielo | To the Moon and Beyond: Latin American Sky Stories
2020: Seeing the Universe
- Poster
- Bookmark
- Tips for Hosting a Successful Skywatching Session (with “The sky is a time machine” sky tour)
- Web Resources: Skywatching 101
- Web Resources: Seeing the Universe
- April 2020 star map for North Carolina skies
- Look Up! Henrietta Leavitt, Pioneering Woman Astronomer. Written by Robert Burleigh, illustrated by Raúl Colón
- Do You Have a Birthday Star?
- Light Pollution and Shielding activity
- Why Is It Upside Down? activity
- How Do Telescopes Work? activity instructions, eye images
- Filtered Light activity instructions, space images
- Spectroscope activity
- Representational Color activity instructions, file with cards
2019: The Moon and Beyond
- Poster
- Bookmark
- Tips for Hosting a Successful Skywatching Event (with Moon Observing Tips)
- Web Resources: Skywatching 101
- Web Resources: The Moon and Beyond
- April 2019 star map for North Carolina Skies
- Breakfast Moon, written by Meg Gower and illustrated by David Barker
- Margaret and the Moon: How Margaret Hamilton Saved the First Lunar Landing, written by Dean Robbins and illustrated by Lucy Knisley
- Field map of the Moon
- Skywatcher's Guide to the Moon
- Moon Observation Journal
- Moon Phases and Eclipses: activity instructions, moon phase cards
- Sizing Up the Moon activity
- Craters on the Moon activity
- Toad in the Moon: activity instructions, other materials
- First Words graffiti wall: banner, sign
- Oral history activity
2018: Anyone Out There?
- Star Party Poster
- 2018 Tips for Hosting a Successful Skywatching Session (with "Anyone out there?" sky tour)
- Web Resources: Anyone Out There?
- Web Resources: Skywatching 101
- Activity: Life in the Extreme (from Night Sky Network)
- Activity: Imagining Life (from NISE Network)
- Activity: Ice Orbs (from NISE Network)
- Activity: How Do We Find Planets Around Distant Stars (from Night Sky Network)
- Star Maps: Where Are the Distant Worlds (from Night Sky Network)
- Kepler Star Wheel
- Children’s book: Older Than the Stars
2017: Star Light, Star Bright
- 2017 Tips for Hosting a Successful Skywatching Session (with lives of stars sky tour)
- 2017 Web Resources
- The Wishing Star activity instructions
- Take Home a Double Star activity instructions
- Observing Cards activity instructions
- Observing Cards
- Celestial Treasure Hunt activity instructions and handout
- Kinesthetic Life Cycle of Stars activity instructions
- Lives of stars diagram
- Nuclear Fusion activity instructions
- Let's Make a Supernova! activity instructions
2016: Finding Your Way in the Sky
- 2016 Tips for Hosting a Successful Skywatching Session (with "finding your way" sky tour)
- 2016 Web Resources
- Henry's Stars, by David Elliot
- A "Handy" Way to Measure the Sky
- Create a Constellation
- Draw What You See (activity instructions, moon phase cards)
- Make a Star Clock (activity instructions, template)
- Ready to Observe?